Best markdown editor for mac
Best markdown editor for mac

#Best markdown editor for mac install

To enable markdown in WordPress blog you can follow the instructions written here.įor Syntax of Markdown you can visit Daring FireBall, the site created by the creator of Markdown **John Gruber **.Ī very nice Cheat Sheet for Markdown syntax are available at GitHub Install MarkDown Editing Package Control In fact this complete blog is written in Markdown. You can read the complete article here MarkDown-wiki. Markdown is popularly used as format for readme files, or for writing messages in online discussion forums, or in text editors for the quick creation of rich text documents.

best markdown editor for mac

Markdown is a plain text formatting syntax designed so that it can optionally be converted to HTML using a tool by the same name. There is a previous post from my on this.Īs mentioned in Wiki, and i am quoting from there. You can install Sublime Text 2 depending on you operating system.

best markdown editor for mac

Sublime Text 2 Install Sublime Text 2 and Package Control If you want toe use the full power of Sublime Text, TutsPlus have a great course for it you can check it here Also you can have the same text editor across all Operating System.

best markdown editor for mac

Multiple cursor, you can highlight on a word and if you want to select all the matching word and change just keep pressing ctrl + d.Only crtl+shift+p opens up the command palette where we can just type what we want. Sublime Text is one of a very light-weight, feature heavy, extensible code editor. Complete guide to setup Sublime Text 2 as a best MarkDown Editor.

Best markdown editor for mac